This is a practical prayer app designed to help you pray the Bible for your children. It's not a book
prayer, rather it's an app of actual prayers from Scripture that you can start using right away. You'll be surprised by how beautiful, simple, and revolutionary this method can be.
Based on the book
Setting Their Hope in GOD: Biblical Intercession for Your Children
(Andrew Case, 2009), available as ebook or paperback on
What a treasure our children are, and what a privilege and responsibility Christian parents have to raise them to know, love, and serve God with heart, soul, mind, and strength. With
Setting Their Hope in God
, Andrew Case has served parents well by providing a rich resource of humble, biblical, bold, and God-honoring prayers we can bring before the Lord on behalf of our children. How blessed will be the family where these prayers are offered, that our children may indeed set their hope in God.
—Bruce A. Ware, author of
Big Truths for Young Hearts
Professor of Christian Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
There are lots of ‘parenting resources’ out there for Moms and Dads, on all kinds of important issues ranging from discipline to talking about sex to family vacations. One of the most important responsibilities of fathers and mothers, however, is to pray for and with their children. This book, drawn mostly right from Holy Scripture, can be a spur to your family to get off the couch and away from the television and on your knees praying for the salvation and welfare of your children.
—Russell D. Moore, author of
Adopted for Life
Senior Vice President
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Our prayer is that God may use this book to motivate parents to pray for the next generations. The commitment of righteous parents to focused, purposeful prayer based on God’s heart as expressed in His Word “has great power as it is working” (James 5:16). Use the introduction to inspire you to pray; and the prayers to inform your mind as you not only agree with them but also use them as a springboard for your own heartfelt prayers for your children, grandchildren, and a generation yet unborn.
—David & Sally Michael, authors of
Children Desiring God
Pastor for Family Discipleship
Minister for Resources and Program Development
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Andrew Case has provided parents with a powerful tool: the Word of God turned to prayer—specifically for their children. What a blessing it is to read that prayer is a reminder of our littleness and of God's greatness. That nowhere are we more helpless than in prayer. For it means we can begin where we are, as we are, today.
Soaked in scripture, interspersed with great quotes, this book will encourage, inspire, and strengthen anyone who wants to learn to grow in dependence on God, or—in other words—prayer.
—Sally Lloyd-Jones
Best-selling author of
The Jesus Storybook Bible
As a father, I continually feel inadequate to the task of praying for the three precious children God has entrusted to me. I understand that I need to pray and I genuinely want to pray. Yet I am so often lost when it comes to knowing how. In
Setting Their Hope in God
, Andrew Case turns to the ultimate prayer book, the Bible, to craft prayers for parents who want to see their children turn to the Lord, to live for the Lord, to honor him with their lives. I am convinced that this book will prove an indispensable resource to many mothers and fathers as they seek to hold up their children before the throne of grace.
—Tim Challies, author, blogger,